School | Spectra Centers
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A teacher shows a flashcard to a group of students.

Welcome to Spectra School!

At Spectra School, we truly value individualized education and programs. Our goal is to facilitate the reintegration of students back into their district. To do that, we offer comprehensive specialized programming collectively established by the Colorado Academic Standards, an individualized curriculum for each student based on his or her Individualized Education Program (IEP), and the Interdisciplinary Intervention Model. Spectra School is also approved by the Colorado Department of Education Office of Facility Schools.


Spectra School provides day treatment to students between the ages of 3-21 years. Many of our students stay with us for at least a semester, but often 2-3 years until reintegration into their school districts makes sense and is supported by data and the IEP team. To do so, we work closely with the placing districts — 19 of them and counting.


Spectra School also provides a summer school program. Summer school follows the same program format to assist with the maintenance of skills and to keep routines and structures throughout the year.


We maintain academic services on campus and offer the requisite Colorado Academic Standards-aligned curriculum and Extended Evidence Outcomes (for any student who needs them, as identified on their IEP). The curriculum guides and Safety Net Standards inform instruction and the coursework provides a scope and sequence for all grade levels. Coursework is individualized to each student's needs and remaining courses needed to graduate. Students are grouped in the mornings for core classes according to academic needs and are grouped in the afternoon for electives according to functional levels.


All students complete diagnostics for math and reading and participate in state-required assessments (either C-MAS or alternative state assessments), depending on a student’s grade level and current IEPs.

Academic Environment 

Spectra School has one special education teacher for up to 12 students. Each student is grouped with others according to their tolerance level. Typically, students start with one-on-one or one-on-two in the classroom until they can be assessed by Spectra staff. We also partner with the school-related services team consisting of a school social worker, an occupational therapist, a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA), and a speech-language pathologist to provide the highly effective Interdisciplinary Intervention Model. Related service professionals work in the classroom right alongside the student with some pull-outs, if necessary. Students are increasingly moved into the larger staff-to-student ratios to assist them in tolerating more demands (simulated to look like the environment of their next school).


Spectra students have access to computers, iPads, Chromebooks, assistive technology, and communication devices. All students follow the school schedule and calendar as approved by the Colorado Department of Education (CDE). School takes place for six hours for 176 school days during the school year to meet CDE mandates.

You can find our school calendars here. If you'd like a copy for yourself, please feel free to download the PDFs below!

Calendar Downloads (PDF)


2023-2024 School Year Calendar

Click Here to Download


2024 Summer School Calendar

Click Here to Download

What People Say About Spectra School

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I like that my son has interactions with other kids that are similar to him.

— Spectra Parent
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We love the school!

— Spectra Parent
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Spectra is about:

  • A passionate staff dedicated to the unique needs of the population that they serve.

  • Professionals who are motivated to reach, teach and meet the challenging needs of each individual student.

  • A record of successful efforts that is inspiring and obvious.

  • Quality instruction that is creative and supportive in nature, enabling students to actualize their full potential.

  • Knowledgeable, talented and experienced leadership who provide a sound foundation for this impressive and outstanding school program.

— Estelle R. Pinsky, Special Education Director
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I just had to take a minute to tell you how amazing the staff are in my son’s classroom.  Before Spectra, he hated school and always had "bad" days when we asked him how his day went. Since he has been at Spectra, he is so excited to go to school each morning. When we say it’s time to get ready for school, he quickly hops out of bed! He is so happy when the bus gets him and he is all smiles when he comes home. When he signs "yes" with both his hands at the same time, it tells me that he really, really likes something a lot. We get double "yes, yes" when we ask if he had a good day. He is feeling so safe at your school that we are experiencing positive progress on independent potty use. Spectra is a great match and for once in a very long time, I feel so comfortable with him being at school that I no longer worry about him during the day. Your staff are fabulous! Excellent communication and exceptional response time when I have questions. We very much appreciate the transparency and honesty. Without a doubt, Spectra is where my son belongs. I know this not because of test scores or progress reports, but because he is so happy. He is so happy at Spectra that it's influencing other aspects of his life! All his outside therapies (ABA, Speech, OT) have commented over the last few weeks they have seen huge growth in him.

— Spectra Parent

Contact Us


7205 W. 120th Ave.

Broomfield, CO 80020


Call Us: (303) 665-6800


Monday - Friday: 8am - 6pm

School Hours: 8:15am - 3:00pm

Saturday: Closed

Sunday: Closed

Thank You to Our Partners!

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Our Location

7205 West 120th Avenue,

Broomfield, CO 80020



Monday - Friday: 8am - 6pm

Saturday: Closed 

Sunday: Closed


Email Us:

Call Us: (303) 665-6800

© 2024 by Spectra Centers Inc.
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